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Tanker model

 Oil Tankers

This is a model of a large oil tanker which can carry about 230,000 tons. Japan, relying on imports from overseas, carries oil in tankers like this. 

rotary excavator


This type of rotary excavator is currently used to dig oil wells. The excavation pipe is lowered into the casing pipe, and the bit attached to the tip rotates to dig down.


 Strata Cross Section

This specimen is a part of the strata of the Kanazu Formation that contains petroleum. The bottom of the specimen is a mudstone layer, then a sandstone layer, and on the top, another mudstone layer. 

Kazusabori Model

Kazusabori Digging Model (two-thirds actual size)

In 1894, Ueno Shoji improved the kazusabori digging apparatus, a "water well digging apparatus", to use as oil well digging machinery and succeeded in digging down 113 meters near Nietsubo.